Tonee Ndungu

Founder & CIOKytabu


Huge fan of the what education in the future will look like. Stumbled into the tech scene in 2005 and I have never looked back (sorry International Relations and Journalism Folks!). Playing my part in building what will be the future of education in Africa. On my second upstart "Kytabu" and happily building a conversation around what innovation looks like in Africa. Undefined dyslexic.

Adventures in my previous life: Founder of the largest IT incubator in Kenya, raised €5 Million for it, avid dad, adventurer and keen education policy advocate.

Current adventure: Building Kytabu Inc., a digital textbook leasing application for mobile devices in the developing world. Innovation speaker and strategist.

A fan and contributor of TED talks speaking at TEDxNairobi, TEDxKibera, TEDxPSU and TEDxChange Amsterdam.