Oona Buckley

Team LiaisonEnding Pandemics


Oona Buckley serves as Liaison for events, partners, advisors, and the Ending Pandemics team. Upon returning from volunteer work in Nepal, Oona dove into the world of philanthropy working for Dr. Larry Brilliant during’s start-up phase in 2007. Oona went on to help start-up the Center for Compassion at Stanford University Medical Center before heading to Washington, D.C., to work in private philanthropy and development. She came to the U.S. via Dublin, Ireland, where she was guiding startups in their infancy. Oona spent 10 years working in Washington, D.C., and New York City in International Business Development.
Oona has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Marymount University. She credits her family and global upbringing in Asia, Ireland, and the United States for her quest to help unite people and increase their impactful work.

Regional Focus

Caribbean, Central America, Central and Southern Asia, Eastern and Southern Africa, Eastern Asia, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, North America, Oceania, South America, Southeast Asia, West and Central Africa