Matthew Cleary



Matthew Cleary is the CEO of the NGO Alima, The Alliance for International Medical Action since 2016. ALIMA brings professional medical expertise to international humanitarian work that combines capacity and knowledge of national medical associations and global research institutions to provide quality care to the most vulnerable and develop innovative solutions for populations of humanitarian medicine today in 10 countries across Africa.

Initially trained as an emergency nurse training in Australia, Matthew Cleary start of his career (1998-2004) in trauma hospitals and remote Aboriginal Communities, his desire to help the most vulnerable populations: emergency and spécialisation in intensive care for people suffering from addiction (drugs and alcohol), with mental health problems and trauma and remote populations.

Quite naturally, he turns to the humanitarian from 2004. He successively held the positions of manager monitoring and evaluation, medical coordinator, and hospital manager of leading humanitarian organisations such as the World Food Program, the chain of hope, or Doctors without Borders. Working for the most affected regions of the world by emergencies and crises:Sudan, Niger, Somalia, and Egypt thus acquiring a mastery of the most volatile international contexts.

The Strategic Leadership Matthew Cleary is reinforced by the complexity of different courses of action forcing a managerial agility (management of multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams).