Alan Schwartz



Alan Schwartz is a successful entrepreneur and investor across industries as diverse as publishing, manufacturing, professional services, finance and software. His involvement in the not-for-profit sector includes Volunteering Victoria, Jewish Care and Philanthropy Australia.
Currently, Alan is the Managing Director of Trawalla Group. He is co-founder and director of the property investment bank Qualitas Property Partners and of Armitage Associates, a growth equity investment fund.
Over the years Alan has enjoyed the complex satisfaction of contributing to the not-for profit sector. He contributed to the creation of Jewish Care, a merger of Jewish Community Services and Montefiore Homes, and was appointed its inaugural President.
Alan and his wife Carol Schwartz established the Trawalla Foundation in 2006 – a Prescribed Private Fund that “invests” in the arts, ideas and innovation.
Alan graduated as a Williamson Fellow in 1995. In recognition of his contribution to community and business, Alan was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2003, followed by an Order of Australia (AM) in 2007.
Alan is currently the President of Philanthropy Australia and a council member of Swinburne University.

Regional Focus

Europe, North America, Oceania