Safdar Hussain

Associate DirectorInstitute for Development Studies and Practices


Based on the indigenous wisdom, knowledge and economic activities, the model empowers the local people and engages local technology and materials. The university building is a glowing example of this model. The building is made of mud, a traditional substance, found in abundance in the vicinity and has no expiry date with durability longer than cement and concrete. This not only stimulates the local economy through usage of traditional material and local human resources but also asserts their cultural and social uniqueness. The model not only preserves the traditions but also is cost effective. Mud building requires less energy resources as it remains moderately cool in summer and warm in winter season. The model uses solar-panels, wind turbines and bio gas plants to fulfill energy requirement. The question of university financial sustainability is resolved through cultivation of organic flowers and fruits that generates enough income making it self-sufficient. Rain water is stored to fulfill the domestic requirements of the university and for cultivation as Baluchistan faces an acute water shortage problem. The model demonstrates self reliance, self sufficiency and traditional wisdom. It illustrates that a resource-rich country like Pakistan can progress and develop.