Arianne Martin

Co-LeadOpen Value Foundation


Arianne is an economist by education, a marketing, strategy and sales expert by professional experience, and a social worker and teacher out of passion. She is a passionate traveler, a people person, and loves photography and yoga.

She studied major in economics at Universidad Autonoma of Madrid (UAM), International Marketing at University of California Berkeley, and she is an expert in Micro-Finance by UAM.
Her mother language is Spanish; she is bilingual in English, speaks Portuguese and French fluently and has an average comprehension in both Bahasa Indonesia and Haitian Krèyol.

She started her career at Procter & Gamble, working in marketing and strategic management for 12 years. In 2006 she made a career move and has worked since in educating and empowering women and rural communities around the developing world, working for different NGO’s. She became a freelance consultant for training and innovation firms and a social entrepreneur, starting her own project to empower women in Indonesia.

Since 2016 Arianne is co-leading Open Value Foundation, working on the selection of partners and projects and in charge of marketing and communications.

Regional Focus

Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe